Thursday, February 3, 2011

Moments I like in Symfony

Here are the moments that I like in Symfony ( as you know Symfony is a php framework for rapid web application development):

• Development automation saves lots of times. For example, for creating a new module you will need 4 new folders and minimum 3 new files (due to the specific nature of the MVC architecture). In symfony you won’t need to do it manually.

• Convenience in work with forms. The main work is done automatically but, of course, you’ll have to adjust some minor things yourself. Moreover, all the forms are easily updated according to the changes in the database.

• It turned out that Symfony has a very big community. If you have a problem, you’ll be able to find the answer in the forum.

For those who work with Eclipse, there’s a special plug-in Symfoclipse. And for the fans of NetBeans, now symphony supports NetBeans 7.0.

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